Monday, July 12, 2010

The Holden Crud

      I finally played clarinet for  Vespers last night.  Unfortunately, I started getting the crud that's going around here on Sat pm.   On Sunday morning, I went to the medic office to see if they had anything, the only thing available was chloraseptic throat lozenges.....everything else was gone!  Bookstore was closed, so...not a fun day!  I played ok but it would have been easier if I were feeling better!   Today, I didn't work at Narnia, I simply thought that giving 50 kids the crud wouldn't be a very nice thing to do!  Especially since I had a tiny fever!  I am feeling better and found some stuff in the Village store to help!  Now that I've had the "opportunity" to have the cold thats going around, I must be more ingrained in the life of the village~    :)    Here's to a swift moving gone!  Peace.

1 comment:

  1. You're building immunity, right? Hope you're feeling better!
